The thing which has been plaguing my mind is how focused our culture, and more specifically, some Christians, are on the relationship status of people. It's like if you aren't married or in a relationship there’s something wrong with you. I know people don’t think like this, but I have had a few people make comments like “You aren’t married yet?” or “We need to find you a man.” Look people. I’m waiting for Jesus to lead the right man in my life and, for the most part, am not in a hurry. Also, asking me if I’m married makes you look stupid. Do you see a ring or a husband? Just saying. Course it is funny when your dad is explaining how much he wants grandkids.
I think I keep getting off track a little. Marriages: everyone is focused. Back on track.
It’s not that I have a problem with everyone being happy and trying to make all their friends happy, but you don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy. You should find in the Lord, not in another person. I hope that by one day getting I can glorify God, but until then I want to glorify God through my singleness. Marriage really isn’t a necessity, despite the opinions of more than a few people.
I also don’t want you to read this and be like ‘don’t set her up.” Of course if a certain pastor gets that out of this, then it might be OK. I may not be able to meet people any other way. I’m saying don’t set me up with every person you meet, whether he loves Jesus or not. I’m content as is and will not date just anyone.
Anyway, thanks for reading my thoughts on the subject. It’s been playing on my mind since a Bible study and I had to get it out. I also had a little trouble getting all these thoughts together. I think my crazy job is draining my brain.