Thursday, April 21, 2011


You know it's really simple. All I I have to do is obey Him. He's going to take care of me if I'll just be patient. Maybe He's only giving one step at a time. If that's all He's showing then it's the step I should take. He's been around a lot longer than I have. Who am I to second guess Him?
So I'm trying to branch out into this photography business. Honestly it's kinda funny I'm trying to do it. I used to admire people's work and never thought it was for me. Who could enjoy making people pose while you take pictures? Well...that person would be me.
The thing is, I'm really not looking to make a ton of money. Yes, a profit might be nice. That isn't the point. God's given me a gift and a nice camera. I want to use it to glorify His name. I want to bless people. And I also love doing it. It's amazing how much I like doing it. The only thing I could compare it to is riding horses, but it's still a different love than that. It's amazing to look at a picture and think, hey, I did that.
Also, I named my business In His Image. It's a funny story. One day last week I was trying to come up with a name, because I didn't want anything to cliched. I talked to Heather and had one name in mind, but it didn't feel right. When I arrived at work I flipped over the devotional I have on my desk and it was about how God created me and you in His image. It was absolutely amazing. I knew right then what the name would be. Well I questioned some important people but consensus says: In His Image!

Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

2 Corinthians 3:18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Just Think

Sometimes I have to stop and think about what I'm doing. I say this because the other day I was standing with a couple friends, talking, when they began doing something I hate. Gossiping. And about one of my friends. So I walked off...and went to the bathroom. While there I was thinking about how annoying when it hit me. I do it too! Maybe not to the same degree as some people, but what does it matter. I shouldn't be talking about matter how justified I think it may be.
So God followed me in there and pointed at the mirror.
Now later in the week I get a text from my good friend Amanda. It was about racism in the church. She just happened to notice one of those Dixie shirts and it hit her how a shirt like that could offend someone. I mean, I'm not going to see a Confederate flag and think racism. My friend in high school pointed out the shirt and told me it was racist and represented a horrible time in history. Before then I'd never thought of it like. I just thought they were cute...especially the one with the little chicks. If I were to wear this shirt, cute or not, into our Bible study in the housing authority, it may hinder my testimony. You tell us this Jesus loves us , but you're representing enslavement and separation and horror.
How could this shirt affect your ministry?
And it could be anything?
We're in a diverse world surrounded by tons of different people. In this diverse world, we're are supposed to be a light, a beacon. What if every little action determines where someone spends eternity?
Before I get into this and start beating you up remember we're human. I'm human. You're human. That little boy down the hall is human. I'm going to make mistakes as are you.
We still have to stop and think sometimes. What I do here will affect eternity and I don't want a stupid joke to send someone in the wrong direction.
In "Love is an Orientation" by Andew Marin, ( which I highly recommend) he mentions how using the term homosexual is very offensive to gay people. The term is associated with hell and damnation and judgement and, with how biblethumping and homophobic, Christianity has become they are hurt by the term. In the book he tells of a woman who went to her coworker and apologized for using it and he began crying.
It's something very simple to us. I would never stop and think about it till I read this. It's like that shirt. 
Just think about it.  

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Name is Megan and I am a ____________

In the past year, since I began working at this job God has been dealing with me on so many issues. Like I like to call a few people jokingly, I am a problem child. Really I am. If you get right down to it, since Genesis 3 we've all become problem kids with these wicked little thoughts and selfish ambitions. I didn't start this blog to talk about how awful I am...actually I won't tell you most of my problems, but I'm going to start with one because I need to get it off my chest.
My name is Megan and I am a perfectionist.
There, I finally admitted it. And you know the first step toward fixing a problem is always this one.
It's always been there and maybe I'm not as bad as some people. I mean, in high school I had someone explain the difference between a good and bad "A." Still don't understand that one, but I know I'm not that bad.
My perfection boils down to a deep desire to control everything through busting my butt. Not as hard as some people, I've busted my butt through my life. High school there were late night spent studying and reading and whatever. High school really wasn't that bad. There was one week, the only moments I wasn't studying was when I was sleeping.
OK, that doesn't count because I had American History haunting my dreams. (Sidenote: I made a 4 on my AP US History test. For those who don't note AP, this is good.)
College I didn't work quite as hard. I did stress a lot and when it came to my major I busted it. But I didn't work as hard. I also worked a part time job. I didn't join the college paper because of marching band and making money.
I was able to buy my truck, thanks to God, when I got out with cash.
Perfectionism: I'm pretty sure I didn't work hard enough in college. Dude, I could've had straight A's and a 4.0 in college if I'd work harder than I did.
What about putting resumes out and working for that paper? Definitely not working hard enough.
Maybe if I tried a little bit harder I could do better.
It's getting bad though. I keep messing up and when it's pointed out I'm frustrated. God pointed this out today on my ride home from church this morning. The whole weekend has been bad on that note. It's been a great weekend, but it's been those moments when someone corrects me.
So, yes I have a problem and I'm praying to work through it. It's childish at times, even.
Please pray for me. Mainly cause I'm really going to try to change, but it's hard to quit when you're trying to be perfect.
Only Jesus is perfect. He's who I need to put all my faith in. He's going to put me in the right job. He's going to lead me to the right man.
Everything I'm doing now should be glorifying God, not myself. I can not do this on my own; my perfection says otherwise. He has me where I am for a reason and I'm tired of fighting it. How many people at my job are impacted by me if I'm trying to be perfect?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tase Me, Bro

May 4. The date which will live in infamy. Our youth pastor, Daniel, and his two trusty sidekicks (why he gets two, I don't understand) have agreed to be tased if 175 students show up our church. It has me thinking what would I do to see one kid get saved. I mean, look up pictures of people getting tased. It ain't pretty. Go grab an electric fence for crying out loud. (Did that accidentally this morning) How many youth groups tase their ministers?
Now back to the question: what would you do to see someone saved? To see someone come to a relationship with Jesus.
Now there are being people, family and friends, who I want and pray to see come to this. But how far will I go to see it come to pass. If you haven't noticed I'm just trying to tell someone about Jesus. But would I allow myself to get tased? Heck yea!
Actually getting tased may not be the worse thing to experience. Now...would I move to Africa? Dance like a fool? Learn Japanese?
This is a big deal. We're talking about a distinct line between your family going to heaven or hell. How far will you go to make sure they come to love Jesus and except Him as Lord of their life?
The pain of being tased can't last more than a few seconds...unless...we'll leave that out. An eternity in hell last, well, an eternity.
I don't want my friends, family....anybody....suffering through that.
So go ahead and tase me  (or Daniel) if it means someone lives.

Monday, April 4, 2011

What are you waiting for?

I wanted to write this a few weeks ago, but my schedule and brain have both been a little crazy. It still rattles my mind and am now sitting down to do it if I don't get distracted by food or a storm. Every Wednesday and Monday night, after church/ bible study, I pass by a bar which I will leave unnamed for this blog. This unnamed bar always has a full parking lot on these nights I pass it. The only time it isn't full is Sunday...for obvious reasons. Everytime I look at it and think about stopping. No, not for a quick shot of Jack Daniels and a game of pool. How many lost people are sitting in there at that moment? Laughing and drinking and pretending to have a good time. If you like the bar scene, that's fine I guess. But every bar I've been in has left me feeling saddened for the locals. It's a dressing scene. Everyone drinking. Fake laughter...or what I call fake laughter. Anything assisted with the use of a substance is a little fake. I don't have anything against drinking either. I've had a few drinks before, not to the point of intoxication, but I have drank. Alcohol is fine; it's what they're be serving at the great banquet in heaven. When it gets to where you have to have it to have a good time, there's a problem. I don't need to get on that box. Actually I'm way off subject.
What if I walked into that bar and began telling people about Jesus? Or began building relationships so I can share the gospel? It's a thought. I never stop and do it. For one, some one from church would see my truck there.
Once a friend of mine had the title of this as her text signature and it made me think. What am I waiting for? In spreading the gospel. The bar is just a starting point, but how many other situations am I in where I can share the gospel.
Check out and listen to this week's sermons because it gets more a side note.

I've talked about Jesus and church and the Bible with people, but I've never shared the gospel outside of a few events. I keep making it a challenge to tell someone about about Jesus. But when. I don't want these people to go to hell. What am I waiting for? They aren't going to ask me. I've only had one person ask to go to my church...never someone ask who this Jesus is. I have to make the step to speak to them. Whether it's in a bar or at my job or when it's running a 5 K.
           What am I waiting for?