Saturday, July 2, 2011

For My Number One Fan

So my number one fan told me to write a blog. Being the nice person I am, I decided to go ahead with one. Just to satify temporary because I am a little sleepy. Here are her suggestions (I would have just written down my dreams of becoming a boxer): 1. dating I really liked your Discretion blog and i think there is room to expand 2. Clothes and how we put way to much thought into it (feel free to use me as a case study i know i have a problem lol)3. The importants of having good christian friends. ( Sorry for any incorrect grammer, spelling, etc. It's a copy and past. Here it goes:
1) I'm not expanding on discretion or maybe I am. Actually, I may have already written about it. I've noticed people have a fascination in setting people up together. It doesn't make sense why it happens. Although everyone I know thinks they are amazing match makers I have yet to meet someone with any success. I'm speaking from experience. Yes, I like meeting new people. People are fun and interesting and all that good stuff. Somehow I don't think God is behind many of these setups. All you have to do is step back and let Him work. He knows what He's doing; He's been doing since Adam and Eve. I think He has it under control. I know you think you have the perfect match for your friends, but the odds are against. Please, let God do His job.
2) All right, I'm using friend as a case study. Maybe I'm just sleepy, but I can't think of how. I'm not sure I'm the right person to talk about this. Yes, I think about what I wear. I want to look nice to go to church. When I wear a dress or makeup, it's typically for Jesus. Just throwing that out there. It's good to dress up for church most of the time...I usually try to wear nice shirts and good jeans. I have to dress nice to go to work. It's kinda a requirement so I do it. If I'm going to dress up, I'm doing it right. It's another reason I usually don't go all out on Sunday. Jesus loves me as I am. Clothes define some people...or so they think. I've learned this more from observation. Want to act tough or like you don't care then wear black or emoish clothes. Want to be a jock: wear underarmor. Etc. Me. I like to be comfortable. I also want to look nice and some shirts I get really excited about. Like when I run a race and get a shirt I wear it that Sunday afternoon. No one usually notices, but I'm proud. OK, this probably has nothing to do with what she wanted so I'm moving on.
3) I have great friends and they are definitely from God. Everyone needs them. If you are hanging out with people who don't love Jesus, odds are they are going to drag you down. People want to impress. Unless you are solid in the faith, so solid you can handle peer pressure, then you need to be around good people. Christian friends. Bad company corrupts character. (Somewhere in Proverbs. Read the whole book and tell me where it is. You probably need to read your Bible anyway). Yes, your friends need Jesus. But hanging out with just these lost people will hurt you. God will provide Godly friends if you ask for them. It's one thing He won't say no too. Pray for them. Sincerely. They'll uplift. They'll support. They'll provide Godly advice.

OK here are my three topics. Bed time.

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