Sunday, January 30, 2011

Entertain Me

I was sitting her talking to my Grandma after our trip to Crestview, Florida, to see my cousin Therresa. She was doing a crossword and the question was what city in Russia is hosting the 2014 Olympics. Course I didn't know; I don't keep up with stuff like that. This led to discussion about how it seems there are more and more events every year.
Let's think about it:
Every two year somewhere in the world is hosting the Olympics. The World Cup shows up every few year. We stopped talking about here, but let's go farther. How many award ceremonies, such as the grammies, are there every single year? Then there's football season, NASCAR season, Baseball, basketball, poker...just to name a few. Not that there's anything wrong with any of this. I personally get excited the moment I catch sight of a motor home crusing into Auburn the week before the first game day.
I'm just thinking isn't this going in a circle. Every year is the same old thing and for what?
Entertainment, right?
I don't really follow the Olympics much. I despise award shows.
Are we spending our time right, though?
We'll look at Auburn football, a tradition I cherish. And yes, I have seen people take it to extremes and spend way too much time and money on it. We aren't talking about them; we're talking about me. Actually there's no we because I'm talking about me.
Am I using the four or so hours I spend watching a ball game and the whole days I spend camping justly? Is it right to spend $30 or so on a football ticket.
Would God see it as right?
On the same level, it is an excellent ministry. One Saturday last fall, Momentum went and passed out Chik-fil-A biscuits and gave the gospel. It was the most incredile time I'd ever had in Auburn. That include game days with the band. It beat marching pregame and it takes a lot to beat that in my book.
I also think of Paul somewhere in the New Testament when he quotes a poet. I think it's somewhere in Acts. I don't know much about this story, but he's talking to someone and uses the quote.
Following Auburn football, or whatever it is in those categories, may give you an opening to lead into the gospel. Build a relationship, but let them see Jesus is the center or your life. I mean, they're going to see a difference when they go to your tailgate and hear no foul language and see no passed-out drunks.
Meanwhile I'm going to continue praying about entertainment and how God wants me to go about it. Here's an excellent ministry opportunity, but I don't want to go about it wrong.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Everything God has creates is beautiful. There is little in this world you can look at and not be amazed at it's amazingness. Do you realize how much detail is in everything? Imagine the human body. Think back to biology and consider how complex it is. Ice is another thing that is beautiful, although dangerous.
You too are beautiful. Each person is uniquely made. In Jeremiah God says "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart." He designed you for a reason and has a plan just for your life. If you don't think you're special, then I have to tell you you're wrong. There's a whole love letter called I like to call The Bible, which disagrees. God looks at you and sees a beautiful woman or handsome young man whom He has specifically called to share in His adventure.
Stop focusing on those minor details. You are beautiful just the way you. God loves you. He sent His Son to die on the cross and take the wrath which was meant for us so He can have an intimate relationship with you. So remember you are wonderfully and uniquely made for God's purpose.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


To whom it may concer,
Although it is not needed, I think I might need to explain. Some people just misunderstand my reasons behind my decision. I listen to Christian music and I like it. And yes, I completely gave up listening to secular music. This does not mean I hate secular music. In fact, I still like many songs although not as much as I use too. I also don't think you're going to hell because you listen to it. That's not my decision to make and I don't know your heart. That's something you have to take up with God. I'm not going to condemn you or judge you. You can listen to whatever you want to; I don't care. You also don't have to change the station, although I'd prefer not listening to stuff with cussing or sexual innuendos.
The reason I switched and cut secular music out is for the glory of God. Simple as that. Christian music focuses my attention on God. And let's face it, I love singing about Jesus. Like 88.7 says daily, it's uplifting. I want my Lord to be glorified in everything I do and I can't listen to music that doesn't do that anymore. It's not you, it's me. Like David Platt said in a sermon I listened to the other day, the closer you get to Jesus, the more like Him you'll become.
One musician, Bach, said something, roughly paraphrased, on the subject. What's the point of music if it doesn't glorify God?
So here's the reason: I love Jesus! I'm radically in love with Him. I'm not saying you aren't, but this is how I express it.
Sorry if you didn't understand and I hope you do now.



Saturday, January 15, 2011

Review of Then Sings My Soul by Robert Morgan

I have to admit, I’m not quite finished with Then Sings My Soul by Robert Morgan, but I’m almost there. I have high praise for this book, which gives a story for each of the hymns presented in the book or their authors. It contains approximately 150 hymns, most I’ve heard of and sang in church and some I haven’t. You can tell the author did his research on each song. The stories are in depth and interesting. I’m reading a few each night. I could see using some of the stories in a sermon, if I ever became a preacher woman (not really happening…it’s a joke). I think if you love music or just learning the history of something you would like this book. God has moved in powerful ways in the lives of these men and women featured in the books with their hymns. It’s amazing how God brought these songs into creation, like Silent Night. This hymn appeared because the church organ broke before the Christmas Eve service and the men never knew it would spread like it did. I plan on sharing this book with a lady at my church who loves hymns and music. I think you would enjoy it to. I received it from  

God's Girls Conference

Today I was able to go with my grandma to the God's Girls Conference led my Ms. Jackie. Ms Jackie is a wonderful woman of God who I have come to love and admire. She wrote a good book, which I read before I met her. It covers her life, how she came to God and how she's been living for Him. I highly recommend it; just ask me when you see me and I'll see if I can get you a copy.
Anyway, the Spirit really moved at this conference today. The speakers, Ms Jackie and one of her friends, had so much to say and you could see their love for Jesus. I hope people can look at me and say man, she really loves Jesus.
Ms. Jackie spoke about suddenly moments. You know, those moments when God just moves and suddenly something happens and nothing will ever be the same. Like that night when I lay on my couch watching a movie on Hallmark and cried out to God because I wanted to be doing something and felt like I was doing nothing. The next morning Amanda texted me and soon we were doing the Backyard Bible Club.
These moments come when you least expected and afterward life will never be the same. And you don't want them to go back to normal. Like the crippled lady in Luke 13. When Jesus came into her life, everything in her life changed. It's those suddenly moments that do make a difference.
 The second message was what really spoke to me. It was from 2 Samuel 21 when David repaid the Gibeonites for what Saul did to them. The reason they got into their mess was because 200 years prior, Joshua did not consult with the Lord when the Gibeons came to him. It spoke to me because when I went to collage, I never consulted God. I don't regret it and I think it still was right, but what difference would it have made if I had. Maybe I wasn't supposed to go into jounalism. There's no telling what God would have said. For now on, though, I will take every matter to Him. I'm human and could mess up, but everything should go before my Lord. He knows the right way I should go.
I have no idea where my next step will lead me. I'm hoping Kenya, but there is no telling. Only Jesus knows where God's name can be glorified most in my life.

God is great.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pray and Go

Prayer has been big on my mind lately. Everywhere I look I'm seeing something about prayer. Articles, scriptures, you name it, it's about prayer. This happened a couple of years ago, but not to this extreme. The last I read through the whole New Testament, that's what stood out to me. How many times pray is in there. I even tried memorizing one of the verses. Notice try because, I can't quite remember it, but Paul was asking someone to continue praying for him while he was in prison.
It's amazing.
We forget how big our God is. Prayer is just conversation with Him. Learning more about Him, asking questions, asking for stuff...not just stuff, spiritual stuff like helping me glorify His name everyday in my job. I was listening to this one sermon and the guy was talking about his kids and how they're always asking questions. Why is the sky blue? Why do the leaves change colors? Why does it get so cold? Another preacher was talking about how his kids, at the fair, kept asking for stuff. Can we play this game? Can we get some cotton candy? Can we go see the goats?
We should have this same relationship with our Father. Come to Him as kids. He wants to spend time with us. He wants to take care of us. Why do we think we can go around through life on our own without asking for help. We can't.
I wonder how much more I could accomplish if I prayed more.
Another thing, think how much Jesus prayed. He was always getting away and praying, usually at night. He only had three years of ministry, but He made sure He spent time with His Father. As Christians, we should making this same effort. Pray continuously.
We act like it's not important. Like two minutes before going to bed is enough to get us through the day. If I only took two minutes to spend time with dad, my earthly dad, how would my relationship be? Not all that great. When I took to him I get into deep conversations, discuss my views, ask questions, get answers. It's not a two minute "Thank you for this day and help me through tomorrow" deal.
Sometimes I think we look at those people who spend so much time in prayer as extreme cases and excuse ourselves, saying we aren't that holy. Maybe not, but at least try. We're striving to be like Christ. Pray for Him to teach you how to pray. The disciples even asked Jesus how they should pray.
Now my challenge to you: get down on your knees and pray. Write it down if you have to, but focus all your attention on God. Have a full conversation with your Papa.