Saturday, May 7, 2011


So I already put one post up here today, but I've been thinking about something all weekend and thought this was the best place to rant about it. Discretion. A lot of people don't have it and it's something I think should be discussed and my blog. (Jenn should be very excited to see 2 posts in one day.)
In a way, it could play off my last one...although not how people may see me as using it. Discretion should not be based on a person's color, ethnicity, hair color or whatever appearance they portray. That being said let me get to my point.
I've noticed that a lot of girls have no discretion in choosing people they wish to date. I'm not talking just about my friends; I mean girls period. It's something I've discussed with my dad before...been discussing for years...many because it frustrates me. There are good guys out there and it seems many girls go for the sorry ones. The gangbangers, pot heads, whatever. It's like this joke Jeff Foxworthy once said about how most women won't dangerous men. He went on to say, yea the ones who end up on COPS hanging out the door yelling "lock him up." beep beepity beep.
I'm not judging a guy by his appearances. If you're dating who looks bad, but isn't I'm not talking about you. That talks me back to the don't judge on appearances at the top. I'm talking about girls I hear about who are dating gangbangers. (This is not a term I came up with.)
I've always noticed that girls chase after these guys who will never take care of them. I mean, if a guy can not hold down a job he probably won't take care of you. I don't want to be the one supporting my man unless something horrible goes wrong in our life (i.e. he wakes up paralyzed...true story. Check out some Mark Driscoll sermons. Actually, Mark Driscoll has great sermons on this subject.)
Also don't let him push you around or speak with you in any tone which isn't respectful. The moment he leaves a bruise on you, this boy needs to be gone. He is not worth your time.
And don't think you are going to get this guy saved just because you are dating him and dragging him to church. If he's up front and says he doesn't believe in God or his entire life changes the moment he met you, something's up. I can put up appearances for a while until I get what I want. Well, I usually don't, but you get the picture. Dating is not a mission project.
Ladies, please think before dating a guy. Pay attention to how he acts, who he hangs out with, what he sticks in his mouth, his language, how he treats everyone from his mom to that little kid down the street. Everything. You have to use discretion when looking for a man to spend the rest of your life with. I don't know statistics very well, but I can say 50 percent of marriages do end in divorce. From observation, I've noticed many women who either support their husbands because they won't get a job. Men who care more about taking care of their self than their wife and kids.
All right. I'm done ranting. I'm hoping I didn't offend anyone, but I had to get that out.
One more thing. You are the daughter of the King and as that you deserve the best. God will provide a good man who will love you and spend his entire life with you. You'll be sitting on the front porch swing watching your grandbabies one day after a life spent chasing after God.

Dream On

There's an old song by INXS which sings about interracial dating called original sin. Back in high school I listed to this school a has a great sound. Now I really don't listen to secular music (which I have addressed in another blog), but it's still a pretty good song. Look it up if you haven't taken my secular music fast.

Now I used this song to open my blog because I thought I'd discuss an issue that at times can be controversial and when it's not, people discuss how it can be. Different generations view it in different lights and time periods.

What I'm talking about, as you can probably see from my intro song, is interracial dating. For a while it had been on my mind after discussing it with several people, but now I've decided to branch on the subject.

Interracial dating has become more prominent in the last several years, but people still hold strong opinions on the subject. Nearly every person my age has no problem with it and several of my friends are interested in people of different races. I wouldn't think twice if my friend introduced me to su novio Pedro. The difference in opinions of more recent generations steams from more exposure to it than around 30 years ago. This isn’t a bad thing; it allows people to see it is OK.

On the other hand there are people I look up to who are completely against. As long as they aren't harassing or badmouthing my friends, I do not mind their opinions. I just disagree with them.

I may not have read through the whole Bible (well, I probably have...just not consecutively), but I have never found anywhere where God condemns interracial dating. In fact, Moses married a black woman (Exodus 2:21) and they had two sons. Her father, Jethro (coolest father-in-law name ever) was later mentioned and helped Moses (Exodus 18).

Solomon also took women of other races to be his wives, but he had a billion women so I don't think that counts.

As we come closer to the end, we'll become more and more alike anyway. I don't the color of your mate will matter in the long run. As long as Jesus is the basis of your relationship and you have allowed Him to lead you.

I've heard many biblical arguments, but most of them have to do with being unequally yoked and that doesn't have anything to do with races. I tried to do some research on interracial relationships on the internet and there were a few Web sites strongly arguing against it because God wanted the peoples to remain separate.

People disagree with it for different reasons coming from they think races should be kept separate, stereotypes and pure racism (although I don't think most of them are racists.) I’m not an expert by any means. If we’re going to argue races are not meant to be mixed the my entire country and the people I love are mistakes. Take my heritage for instance: I’m German, Irish, English and about ¼ Cherokee Indian. I’m a mutt. Americans, with maybe a few exceptions, are mutts. One hundred years ago, or so, Americans were angry Irish were moving into their country and I’m pretty sure they didn’t want their children marrying them.

You can’t tell me this is different.

This isn’t a topic I usually discuss outside of a few conversations and I don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about it. Outside of one argument with a family member, which was actually kinda defensive until I said it was stupid to argue, I’ve never had a steamed discussion about it. But I thought I’d lay down some thoughts and stick them out there.

By the way, Jesus loves you!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

With Mother's Day this weekend, I thought I'd do the right thing and write a little something about my own amazing mom. And all mothers like her. And the extra women God has thrown into my life who have become second mother figures to me.
My mom, of course, is number one. She means the world to me. From the moment of birth she has always been there for me and will be there in the future. And yes, we have had our share of disagreements, but she has been a voice of reason many times. I can confide in mom and she has a way of telling me things, showing me the right way.
When my parents went through their divorce, mom took it hard. But she was able to overcome so well and be there for me and Alex. I look back and think about how solid she could be. She was going to take care of us. I don't know what I would've done without her.
I have so many memories of my mom. Wow, I just stopped and thought back and was flooded. Then I stopped typing. I guess I should give you some examples. Hehe
Like when she would sit me down and teach me how to pray and read the Bible. Going camping in Gulf Shores. Walking in the neighborhood or going to the Fayetteville...I think I liked the ride more than anything. Playing with grandma's trainset and kicking Alex out of the room.
My mom is absolutely amazing. I love her! I am so thankful God allowed me to have her.
Unfortunately we are separated by a hour and a half drive. I call often, but it's still far off. I don't usually miss people. I don't know. But sometimes I miss my mom like crazy.
God has allowed other women into my life. None of them rank quite like my mom, but they are there when I need them. I told one the other day she was my second mommy and she asked how many second mommies I have. I had to stop and count later. I came up with four main ones and then a whole bunch more who pitch in. I love them all. I need the support and the extra mentoring and directing. They'll never add up to my own mom who has raised me into the woman I have become and continue to direct me in the years to come. I'll never get as excited as when I know I'm either going to Griffin to see mom or she's driving down her.
One day I hope I can be a mom as great as my mom. I probably won't be quite as good, but I'm going to try. Plus I'm sure I'll have a ton of help. I look forward to that day when I can celebrate Mother's Day from the other side. But until then I'm going to shower my mom with the love she deserves, although it doesn't come close to what all she's done for me. Thanks Mom! You are the absolute best! I love you!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

I remember going out to the ball field when I was a little kid and watching my little brother play baseball. He wasn't the best player in the world (by the standards of the Opelika Rec), but he loved the game and he tried his best. In fact, there was one game when he scored the only point in the whole game. I can't remember if he got walked or if he hit the ball, but he scored all the bases to win for his team.
Many times I tried to get out of watching the hour or so of little league. Only once did I succeed and with the exception of a few games, I think I saw every game he played. Of course, he doesn't play now. For a little while he was playing church softball and I'd watch those games. My little sister was also into softball, which held me over for a while. Until about middle school or maybe high school I really didn't like going to these games, other than for moral support. It was boring to sit on the belchers and watch this sport. My favorite part was the blue shushie I would always get. When I became older, it seemed to change.
Now I have a confession. The game I hated to be dragged to has become important to me. I can't play worth anything. I can barely hit the ball. It's the atmosphere at a little league game which make it so special. Watching your little cousins play this game and hopefully getting a good play. My siblings were awesome when they played (especially Brittany...shhhhh, don't tell Alex) and they could get some great plays. Well, Alex did a lot of dancing in the outfield when he was younger, which cracked everyone up.
I did play one year, as a side note. It's not exciting. I'd much rather play soccer any day than some sport where you stand in the outfield and wonder if the ball might make it your way. I just couldn't get into it.
If you ever go to a ball game, it's like a family reunion plus some. Friends are there. Church family is there. Family family is there. Everyone shows up to cheer on their future major leaguer.
And did I mention the food. Hot dogs. Shushies. Pop corn!
Wow, it makes me miss going. Now I need to find some kids who still play and go watch them. Any volunteers?