Saturday, May 7, 2011


So I already put one post up here today, but I've been thinking about something all weekend and thought this was the best place to rant about it. Discretion. A lot of people don't have it and it's something I think should be discussed and my blog. (Jenn should be very excited to see 2 posts in one day.)
In a way, it could play off my last one...although not how people may see me as using it. Discretion should not be based on a person's color, ethnicity, hair color or whatever appearance they portray. That being said let me get to my point.
I've noticed that a lot of girls have no discretion in choosing people they wish to date. I'm not talking just about my friends; I mean girls period. It's something I've discussed with my dad before...been discussing for years...many because it frustrates me. There are good guys out there and it seems many girls go for the sorry ones. The gangbangers, pot heads, whatever. It's like this joke Jeff Foxworthy once said about how most women won't dangerous men. He went on to say, yea the ones who end up on COPS hanging out the door yelling "lock him up." beep beepity beep.
I'm not judging a guy by his appearances. If you're dating who looks bad, but isn't I'm not talking about you. That talks me back to the don't judge on appearances at the top. I'm talking about girls I hear about who are dating gangbangers. (This is not a term I came up with.)
I've always noticed that girls chase after these guys who will never take care of them. I mean, if a guy can not hold down a job he probably won't take care of you. I don't want to be the one supporting my man unless something horrible goes wrong in our life (i.e. he wakes up paralyzed...true story. Check out some Mark Driscoll sermons. Actually, Mark Driscoll has great sermons on this subject.)
Also don't let him push you around or speak with you in any tone which isn't respectful. The moment he leaves a bruise on you, this boy needs to be gone. He is not worth your time.
And don't think you are going to get this guy saved just because you are dating him and dragging him to church. If he's up front and says he doesn't believe in God or his entire life changes the moment he met you, something's up. I can put up appearances for a while until I get what I want. Well, I usually don't, but you get the picture. Dating is not a mission project.
Ladies, please think before dating a guy. Pay attention to how he acts, who he hangs out with, what he sticks in his mouth, his language, how he treats everyone from his mom to that little kid down the street. Everything. You have to use discretion when looking for a man to spend the rest of your life with. I don't know statistics very well, but I can say 50 percent of marriages do end in divorce. From observation, I've noticed many women who either support their husbands because they won't get a job. Men who care more about taking care of their self than their wife and kids.
All right. I'm done ranting. I'm hoping I didn't offend anyone, but I had to get that out.
One more thing. You are the daughter of the King and as that you deserve the best. God will provide a good man who will love you and spend his entire life with you. You'll be sitting on the front porch swing watching your grandbabies one day after a life spent chasing after God.

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