Friday, April 15, 2011

Just Think

Sometimes I have to stop and think about what I'm doing. I say this because the other day I was standing with a couple friends, talking, when they began doing something I hate. Gossiping. And about one of my friends. So I walked off...and went to the bathroom. While there I was thinking about how annoying when it hit me. I do it too! Maybe not to the same degree as some people, but what does it matter. I shouldn't be talking about matter how justified I think it may be.
So God followed me in there and pointed at the mirror.
Now later in the week I get a text from my good friend Amanda. It was about racism in the church. She just happened to notice one of those Dixie shirts and it hit her how a shirt like that could offend someone. I mean, I'm not going to see a Confederate flag and think racism. My friend in high school pointed out the shirt and told me it was racist and represented a horrible time in history. Before then I'd never thought of it like. I just thought they were cute...especially the one with the little chicks. If I were to wear this shirt, cute or not, into our Bible study in the housing authority, it may hinder my testimony. You tell us this Jesus loves us , but you're representing enslavement and separation and horror.
How could this shirt affect your ministry?
And it could be anything?
We're in a diverse world surrounded by tons of different people. In this diverse world, we're are supposed to be a light, a beacon. What if every little action determines where someone spends eternity?
Before I get into this and start beating you up remember we're human. I'm human. You're human. That little boy down the hall is human. I'm going to make mistakes as are you.
We still have to stop and think sometimes. What I do here will affect eternity and I don't want a stupid joke to send someone in the wrong direction.
In "Love is an Orientation" by Andew Marin, ( which I highly recommend) he mentions how using the term homosexual is very offensive to gay people. The term is associated with hell and damnation and judgement and, with how biblethumping and homophobic, Christianity has become they are hurt by the term. In the book he tells of a woman who went to her coworker and apologized for using it and he began crying.
It's something very simple to us. I would never stop and think about it till I read this. It's like that shirt. 
Just think about it.  

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