Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pray and Go

Prayer has been big on my mind lately. Everywhere I look I'm seeing something about prayer. Articles, scriptures, you name it, it's about prayer. This happened a couple of years ago, but not to this extreme. The last I read through the whole New Testament, that's what stood out to me. How many times pray is in there. I even tried memorizing one of the verses. Notice try because, I can't quite remember it, but Paul was asking someone to continue praying for him while he was in prison.
It's amazing.
We forget how big our God is. Prayer is just conversation with Him. Learning more about Him, asking questions, asking for stuff...not just stuff, spiritual stuff like helping me glorify His name everyday in my job. I was listening to this one sermon and the guy was talking about his kids and how they're always asking questions. Why is the sky blue? Why do the leaves change colors? Why does it get so cold? Another preacher was talking about how his kids, at the fair, kept asking for stuff. Can we play this game? Can we get some cotton candy? Can we go see the goats?
We should have this same relationship with our Father. Come to Him as kids. He wants to spend time with us. He wants to take care of us. Why do we think we can go around through life on our own without asking for help. We can't.
I wonder how much more I could accomplish if I prayed more.
Another thing, think how much Jesus prayed. He was always getting away and praying, usually at night. He only had three years of ministry, but He made sure He spent time with His Father. As Christians, we should making this same effort. Pray continuously.
We act like it's not important. Like two minutes before going to bed is enough to get us through the day. If I only took two minutes to spend time with dad, my earthly dad, how would my relationship be? Not all that great. When I took to him I get into deep conversations, discuss my views, ask questions, get answers. It's not a two minute "Thank you for this day and help me through tomorrow" deal.
Sometimes I think we look at those people who spend so much time in prayer as extreme cases and excuse ourselves, saying we aren't that holy. Maybe not, but at least try. We're striving to be like Christ. Pray for Him to teach you how to pray. The disciples even asked Jesus how they should pray.
Now my challenge to you: get down on your knees and pray. Write it down if you have to, but focus all your attention on God. Have a full conversation with your Papa.

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