Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's Not Funny

Yesturday I was pulling out off my street when a F150 drove by with the words "Tommy's Hoe" written across the top of the windshield. I've seen people with stop like this, some far worse, but this caught my attention for a moment. Actually, it kinda made me sad. I've heard guys call girls stuff like this or the girls refer to themselves like this and they do it jokingly. For some reason they think it's hilarious to call themselves this or something worse. Before a couple of years ago I would have shook my head and not thought much of it. Only now I realize there is something wrong. These women deserve so much better. Do they even really think it's funny? I've said it in a previous post: these women were created by and in the image of an amazing God who thinks so much of them. They are so much more than just Tommy's hoe. If you think of yourself as a hoe, let me sit you down and explain to you how much more important you are. God loves you and has a special plan just for you, as long as you let Him. Those words aren't funny; they're insulting. They insult both you and your awesomeness and they also insult my God and His creation.
And to the Tommys of the world, how dare you say this to a woman. This is a woman of God and you want to call her a hoe. She deserves so much more than you. She needs to be uplifted. Maybe you are joking, but it's not funny. What you should do is go get her some flowers, brush your hair and tell her how beautiful she is. Stop with your insulting jokes.
She is worth so much more.   

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