Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Yesturday my dad called me and told me he didn't want to buy a sailboat anymore. His dream was to retire, buy a sailboat and sail around the world, or at least the Carribbean, until yesturday. Why did he change his mind? On the news, if you haven't heard the story, this couple retired and began sailing around the world passing out Bibles. At some point they were stopped by Somoli pirates and killed. You'd have to look the story up to get facts, but this is about it. Isn't that awesome? While passing out Bible they were murdered by pirates! I mean, I'm sad for them, but think about it. They could've died comfortable in a retirement home down in Florida perfecting their golf swing, but instead they traveled the world and taking the gospel with them. That's how I want to die. And by Somoli pirates. Dude, that's amazing! And they're story is being broadcasted apparently, and even if it's small it's getting out there. I don't want to die in selfish luxury; I want to die taking the Word to the world. And pirates would be a pretty cool end.

Matthew 24:14 (New International Version, ©2010)

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Let's get out of our comfort zones and show the world what who our God is.

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