Monday, February 28, 2011

Run with Endurance

In four weeks, I am running my first 10 K in Mobile, Alabama. The Azalea Trail 10 K. It's supposed to be a big deal with a bunch of free stuff at the end, not much of it I like. I'm running it with Dad. I am so excited although at this moment I'm glaring at the weather, which is preventing me from a good outdoor run. Running has grown from something I did every now and then in high school for the heck of it to something I love to do. It has to be one of the greatest things ever and, unless you're entering crazy stuff like 10Ks, is absolutely free. It's addicting. Literally. If you get all sciencey it releases endorphins which make you feel great and this gives you a high. You can get it with any exercise, but at this time it's called the runner's high and I am addicted. In fact, sitting right here my entire body is going "C'mon, you need to run in the dark. You know you want to." Another reason I love it is because of the freedom to explore new trails and roads and you can do it anywhere. I love running on the beach especially in the morning when the sun is coming up. The air clears your head. It's a God moment. Thank You for my legs. Running makes me feel great-from the high to how toned my body gets. Staying healthy is very important. I can go on forever on how everyone should keep themselves in shape, but I want to think of happy things like running. All I'm saying is our bodies are now the temple of God and you should read the sections in Exodus, Nehemiah, 1 Kings and some of the old prophets where these people so much time to build the temple of God. And now that temple is you so you should take just as much care to take care of it. There...can't go five minutes without something important to say. Sigh. Maybe I'll drive home and get on a treadmill so at least I can satisfy my impatient, but sore, legs.

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